20 January, 2015

Opinion paragraph: Religion deserves respect?

Almost all the people say that we have to respect everybody, forgetting and forgiving how they are. Respect is good, that is clear, but if it is not mutual, it can't exist. In my opinion, I can't respect something that damages the place where I live, for example religion.

If you ask an atheist about about religion, he will say probably say to you that everybody can choose and that he respect all religions. I have another opinion because religion hurts out world, religion changes people, all conflicts between two or more countries are, were, and will be because religion exists. I don't discriminate between catholics, jews or others, I think that all religions are bad. People who follow a religion have a bad thought about others although they say "no", they have a kindness mask and this is sad because they don't show us how they are really. Another stuff against religion is the church, it is a lie to earn money and spend it on unnecesary things. They steal us and we can't do nothing because we have to "respect their".

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