24 December, 2014

David Armand (English comedian)

David Armand is a bald guy that makes funny things, that would be the short explication, but I'm here because I have to write, so let's go.
Armand was born in 1977 in Northamptonshire (Wikipedia rules) and since he was very young, he has toke part in a lot of groups related with the fantastic world of comedy. He grew up (As almost everyody) and began to participate in a lot of festivals around the world. His group wrote a lot of sketchs and sent it to the radio, later he worked in the BBC Radio 4. In turn he got a section in the TV show The Armstrong and Miller Show. I knew him in that program one day while I was surfing the net watching videos of Queen (The rock band, not the old woman) then I saw this: David Armand mimes Don't Stop Me Now by Queen - Fast and Loose. I watched that video and I wondered. The sketch was that David had to make mimic and gestures and try to explain what the song was telling. This is the hilarious result:

There are much videos with other songs but in my opinion this is the best.

17 November, 2014

Problems and solutions

What is a problem? Can a thing be a problem for a person and a solution fot another one? I could answer all these questions but I have a lot of to study and almost no time, so let's go talking about a problem and We are going to try find a solution
Today, life has became in a stressful place to live, everybody has a lot of problems on their heads, except babies, these ones has problems on their diapers. I want to say that we are living so bad, too many concerns, so many plans, a lot of contradictory opinions, is a hell this life, we haven't almost time for ourselves. So this is the problem that have found: "The problems demassification". As I said before, this is a modern problem and I think that is propelled for all the techonoly that are around us. Fifty years ago, there weren't almost techonoly and everybody were happier.
Actually, we can know a lot of things with a phone, we have too many information and this fact twenty years ago would have been a fantastic news, but now that we are a bit more older and a bir more stupids, we discovered that this is a big problem. We are forgeting people and we are giving more importance to a screen than our friends, the problem is here, instead of put attention in someone that is next our, we are in other place talking with four or five person at the same time. What can we do? Destroy techonology? Kill everybody? Buy a cake? I don't think so. The solution isn't something that we can see, but is something that we can feel, we have to change our mind, be realist, be where we are in that moment, talking with someone while we are seeing to his eyes, listening the voice of our companion, not a reproduction exiting for a low quality speaker. The solution is easy, but, Can we do it?

26 October, 2014

Monty Python (Opinion)

If you haven't heard anynothing about Monty Python you should think which the Hara-Kiri is your inmediately exit. Now that are reading me only the smart people, let's go to say something about the British humor group called Monty Python.

John Cleese, Terry Gillian, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Michael Palin and the deceased Graham Chapman have been the best British surreal comedy group, and this isn't something that I say, but is a fact that everybody knows. When I was 10, my parents bought one of the most famous Monty Python's films, Life of Brian. Of course we watched it and I loved it, although I didn't undertand all the jokes. A couple years after we bought The meaning of life, and I was shocked  because that film was the weirdest thing that I have watched, but in spite of this, my love to these characters grew.

Actually I have watched all their films dozens of time and I'm watching Monty python Flying circus that is their TV show. I haven't a favourite film because all of these are incredible and unique, but maybe because they are the first which I watched, I think which The meaning of life and The life of Brian are two films that everybody has to watch.
If you want to roar with laughter and to pass a good moment, you should know Monty Python.

14 October, 2014

My favourite place

I started this post three or four times and didn't convince me because I thought in others places while I wrote about another place. I have reached a conclusion and is that I haven't a favourite specific place.

At the beginning, I wrote about a bar localizated in Cartagena that is a special place because there I have lived a lot of good moments. It isn't the typical bar where you get drunk and you only hear the loud conversations of all the person who are there, is a peaceful zone, and you can drink a cup of coffe or tea and have interesting conversation with your friends. Also, the music in this bar is awesome, only music for 60's, 70's and 80's (The good real music). So, why this bar isn't my favourite place? Well, I have the same sensation in others places, like in a park near of my house or simply in the balcony of my house. What I want to say with this? Nothing, bye. It's a joke. There isn't a favourite place for me because I don't think that you have to choose one site for it is, but for the feelings that produce you. For be one of my favourite places, a site have to have the following characteristics:
-It has to be quiet
-It has to be apart for the people
-It has to buy coffe, tea or both
-If I can read in this place, better
-I don't care if this place is inside or outside, but I repeat, it has to be quiet.
If you found a place that has these characteristic, probably I would love it.

Thanks for read me!!

11 October, 2014

Fear of...

Fear of... 
Fear of saying the wrong question
Fear of saying the wrong answer
Fear of don't saying nothing
Fear of knowing the true
Fear of telling the true
Fear of founding you alone
Fear of thinking how much people that you know are a murderer

05 October, 2014

The meaning of my pseudonym

Oh, there you are!!

Well, problably nobody knows what the hell is "Algie", so in this post I'm going to explain it. 
All began the day that I borned... it's a joke. Do you know the band called Pink Floyd? It's a 60's rock band, they are active actually, but is not the same because only the guitarist and the drummer are the "official members". They get an album called Animals, in this album are a few songs but these are too long, and some are named "Dogs", "Sheep" etc... But my pseudonym is present in the song "Pigs on the wing" and in the album's cover:
In this photo we can see a coal-fired power station called Battesea powerstation (Very original) this factory is in London.
Do you see something strange? No, really? There is a flying pig between the fireplaces. Did you see now? Well, that pig called "Algie".
Since one year I called myself Algie in some websites and I thought correct choose this pseudonym here.
Why I choose called me like a flying pig? Aside the jokes like "hahaha you are a pig hahaha" that are so smart, I choose this name simply because I love Pink Floyd and Animals is one of my favourite albums.
Well, now you know something more about me. I hope which people who read this post and have a pseudonym like me, put in the comments what means it.
Thank You for read me!

Probably a lot of people think this about me after read this post:

30 September, 2014


Good morning Vietnam! 

Seriously, Hi for anyone who reads this or another blog writting by me. My name is Germán, but my pseudonym is Algie. Along the course I'll writing about the 7 arts in UK, specifically music, literature and cinema. Also I'll speak about anecdotes related to the theme the 7 arts and some idea that I thought. I'll try writting with humorous tone for do your visit more comfortable and graceful.

Thanks for reading me!

If you want know more for me:

I'm 19, the last year I had to do the PAU in September and I couldn't enter in English filology due there wasn't place. So, I entered in Philosophy because I like it and I thought It was interesting. I was wrong and the last year was disappointing for me. So when I finished the course I thought to redo a few subject in the PAU for increase my rating and ensure my admission in English filology. The summer goes and now, one year later, I'm in the career that I wanted.